====== Pizza Dough ====== This recipe is in bakers percentages. To work out actual amounts use a calculator such as [[https://www.breadratiocalculator.com|Bread Baking Percentage Calculator]] which is the one that produces numbers closest to my own calculator. This is a fairly wet dough so will need to be handled using folds rather than kneading. ==== Ingredients ==== * 100% Bread Flour * 75% Water * 2% Instant Yeast * 2% Salt ==== Additional Equipment Needed ==== * Kitchen Scale * Dough Scraper ==== Method ==== === Combine Ingredients === - Add Flour, Yeast and Salt in a bowl and mix to combine. - Add water and bring together. - Once dough has come together turn it out onto bench. - Stretch and fold the dough for about 10 minutes. - Place back in bowl and let rise for 1 hour or until doubled in volume. === Pre-shaping === - Lightly dust surface and top of dough with flour. - Use scraper to turn dough out onto surface. - Divide dough into number of portions required. - Pull the edges of the dough up into the center of the dough ball to tighten surface. - Once dough has tightened it can be flipped over and rolled to finish tightening. - Let dough rest until relaxed and puffed up. === Final Shaping === - Dust top of dough ball with flour. - Use scraper to flip onto floured surface and dust with flour. - Gently push down on dough ball to start spreading it out. - Work around the dough slowly stretching the dough out and avoiding the center and edges.